Pregnancy can put a lot of stress on your back, shoulders, neck and abdominal muscles. Pregnancy massage is designed to help relieve the aches and pains that are common during pregnancy.  

Massage can help you cope with the changes to your body that occur while you are pregnant. It can be especially useful to ease discomfort at a time when some medicines can be harmful to your pregnancy.

Pregnancy or prenatal massage can be helpful to reduce stress, swelling in the arms and legs, and relieve muscle and joint pain, all of which can be experienced during pregnancy. Regular massage during pregnancy can greatly assist during labour to help manage pain and stress.

Clients have the options of two sizes of Belly Pillows, (large for later in the pregnancy or small for early pregnancy) which allow you to lay prone (face down) or side lying if you prefer.

Massage – It’s not a treat, it’s essential to our well-being!
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